
サッカー留学までの流れ – Our Service

カウンセリング Counseling

YK Sports Agencyが提供するサービスについてよくご理解いただき、またご本人、ご家族の留学や将来、サッカーについての考えを十分にヒアリングさせていただき、カウンセリングを行います。初回は無料で2回目からはカウンセリング費用 3000円かかります。

We will conduct a counseling session to familiarize you with the services provided by YK Sports Agency and to hear you and your family’s ideas about studying abroad, your future and your soccer career.

The first counseling session is free of charge. For the second session and any subsequent sessions, you will be charged 3000 yen per session.

サポートする Support

サポートしない No Support

契約と前受金の振込 Contract and Down payment

カウンセリング後に、YK Sports Agencyがあなたの目標達成のお手伝いできると思われた場合のみ、契約手続にお進みください。 契約内容にご納得いただけましたら、その時点で前受金(お振込)をお支払いいただきます。

After introductory counseling sessions, if you believe YK Sports Agency can help you reach your goals, you may request a contract for our services. If you accept the terms of the contract, a down payment will be due at that time.

TOEFL受験 Taking the TOEFL


All clients are required to take the TOEFL exam to check their current English ability.

Speaking and
Listening サポート
Speaking and Listening Support


Optional (extra cost) support is also available for those who seek to improve their language skills. The appeal of this program is that you can practice with native speakers.

Create a profile
Highlight video creation


Create a client profile to find your school.
We can also create a highlight video at an additional cost.

大学にコンタクトスタート、交渉 Start contacting and negotiating with universities

YK Sports Agency が培った幅広いネットワークを使って、全米の各大学にコンタクトし、引受先となる大学を探します。

YK Sports Agency will use its extensive network to contact universities throughout the United States to find a university to accept your application.

クライアントに情報開示、大学の決定 Disclosure of information to clients and Deciding on a university


We will disclose the information to you, confirm your final decision, and decide which university to enroll in.

手続きのサポート Assistance with procedures


We will help you with all the paperwork required to enter the school.

Visaの手続き Support

入学の手続き Support

NCAAの手続き Support

その他重要事項 Other

トランスファーサポート (オプション) Transfer support (optional)


We also offer transfer support as an option (additional cost).

費用について – Service Fee


The service fee depends on the amount of scholarship you have earned and will be explained to you through counseling.