
黒﨑優香 Yuuka Kurosaki

福岡県北九州市出身 / From Kitakyushushi, Fukuoka
藤枝順心高校卒業 / Graduated from Fujieda Junshin High School
オクラホマ大学卒業 /Graduated from University of Oklahoma


私たちは、ヒーローズ・ジャーニー (英雄の旅) をガイドするために存在しています。
そしてこれらを通じて、私たちはMake Life Epicを約束します。


We exist to guide you on your Hero’s Journey.
We guide people who are about to embark on a new adventure called “Study Abroad.”
They are eager to take on the challenge but struggle with some of the barriers that prevent them from starting their journey.
They give up before they even try saying, “I don’t speak English” or “I don’t know where to start.”
But what if you had a guide who could help you easily overcome such hurdles and help you think that you can do it instead of feeling that you can’t?
Instead of denying your potential by saying, “I know I can’t do it,” or regretting what you should have done, you will be able to make new opportunities in your own life with the help of someone else.
Imagine the realizations and experiences that come from continuing to learn about other cultures, which could have a positive impact on many people and help you discover your best self.
What sets us apart is that we are constantly challenging ourselves, continually growing, sharing our experiences, and being flexible and adaptable.
We strongly believe that to have a worthwhile study abroad experience, you need to turn connections into opportunities, don’t believe everything you hear, and have an attitude of enjoying life itself.
And through these, we promise to Make Life Epic.

黒﨑優香のストーリー – Personal History


1997 6月12日 12th Jun

福岡県生まれ I was born in Fukuoka.


4歳の時に兄の影響でサッカーを始める。 Started playing soccer because of my older brother when I was four years old.

2004 – 2009

地元北九州の神理FCで6年間サッカーを続け、小学6年生の時には県大会に繋がる大きな大会で同学年が4人ながらにも優勝を経験。 I continued to play soccer for six years at Shinri FC in my hometown of Kitakyushu, and in the sixth grade, I won a major tournament that led to a prefectural tournament, even though there were three other players in my grade.

2010 – 2012

地元NW北九州レディースでサッカーを続ける。 Continued playing soccer with NW Kitakyushu Ladies in my hometown.

2014 – 2015 1月 January

藤枝順心高校では、2014年の全日本高校女子サッカー選手権大会で準優勝、翌年の2015年には3位となった。 With Fujieda Junshin High School, the team finished second place in the 2014 All Japan High School Women’s Soccer Championship and third place the following year in 2015.

2016 1月 January

2016年の高校三年時には全国優勝を成し遂げた。 In 2016, my senior year of high school, my team won the national championship.

2016 6月 June

アメリカに渡米。英語ができなかったため、1年間語学学校へ通った。課題に追われ、気がつくと日が暮れているという日々だった。語学学校の期間1年間はサッカーをしなかった。 I moved to the United States. Since I could not speak English, I went to an English Second Language School for a year. I was so busy with my assignments that I found myself losing track of time. I did not play soccer during the year at the language school.

20175月 May

念願の入学許可がおり、University of Kentucky (ケンタッキー大学)のワイルドキャットの一員として女子サッカー部に所属。Division 1 School でフルスカラシップを獲得。 I was admitted to the University of Kentucky, where I played on the women’s soccer team as a Wildcat and received a full scholarship to a Division I school.

2018 8月 August

大学2年目は開幕3戦連続ゴールでチームに貢献。 In my second year of college, I contributed to the team by scoring goals in three consecutive opening games.

2019 1月 January

オクラホマ大学にトランスファーをすることを決断。 I decided to transfer to the University of Oklahoma.

2020 8月 August

新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により、集大成となる4年目のシーズンが縮小される。行われた試合はたったの9試合のみだった。 Due to the new coronavirus, my fourth season and final year of eligibility was curtailed. Only nine games were played that year.

20211月~5月 Jan – May

オーストリア1部女子ブンデスリーガ FC Wacker Innsbruckに所属した。 I played for FC Wacker Innsbruck in the Planet Pure Frauen Bundesliga in Austria.

20218月 August

ノルウェー1部女子トップセリエン Arna-Bjørnar Toppfotballに移籍。 I joined Arna-Bjørnar Toppfotball, a Norwegian first division women’s Toppserien league team.

20219月 September

本格的ににユウカ考務店の事業の一つであるYK Sports Agency, 日本からアメリカの大学を目指す学生のサポートをスタート。 YK Sports Agency, one of Yuuka’s businesses, started supporting students from Japan who want to attend university in the United States.